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Kama vs Yama

Kama vs Yama

Fun in Devlok, an unusual collection of childrens' stories from the myths, set in modern times

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Jayshree loves doing homework! But one day; instead of studying; she hears voices out in the garden and goes out to see who’s there. She meets a strange man called Kama. Poor Kama was made invisible by an angry Shiva once. Now that Jayshree can see him he shows her all the magic he can do—make butterflies appear; bees buzz; fill the garden with fragrant flowers. But then Yama appears; and he does not like playing at all! Yama believes only in working. Kama and Yama start fighting about who Jayshree will be friends with. Who do you think Jayshree will choose—the fun-loving; naughty Kama; or the stern; no-nonsense Yama?

Imprint: India Puffin

Published: Jul/2011

ISBN: 9780143331957

Length : 143 Pages

MRP : ₹125.00

Kama vs Yama

Fun in Devlok, an unusual collection of childrens' stories from the myths, set in modern times


Jayshree loves doing homework! But one day; instead of studying; she hears voices out in the garden and goes out to see who’s there. She meets a strange man called Kama. Poor Kama was made invisible by an angry Shiva once. Now that Jayshree can see him he shows her all the magic he can do—make butterflies appear; bees buzz; fill the garden with fragrant flowers. But then Yama appears; and he does not like playing at all! Yama believes only in working. Kama and Yama start fighting about who Jayshree will be friends with. Who do you think Jayshree will choose—the fun-loving; naughty Kama; or the stern; no-nonsense Yama?

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Paperback / Hardback
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