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KaiKa’s Songs

KaiKa’s Songs

M.A. Modhayan
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Paperback / Hardback

Several sand storms have passed since the death of all mothers and fathers of sand island, leaving behind the last five children on the island.
Two short young women, two tall young men, and one blind little girl.
They shared the island with sand, a wrathful mother.
Every day and night, Kaika and her tribe members sang to sand.
She wanted to keep her tribe alive.
She constantly looked for the right song that could keep Sand calm.
But Sand was still hungry and enraged.

Imprint: India Penguin

Published: Jan/2023

ISBN: 9780143459125

Length : 184 Pages

MRP : ₹599.00

KaiKa’s Songs

M.A. Modhayan

Several sand storms have passed since the death of all mothers and fathers of sand island, leaving behind the last five children on the island.
Two short young women, two tall young men, and one blind little girl.
They shared the island with sand, a wrathful mother.
Every day and night, Kaika and her tribe members sang to sand.
She wanted to keep her tribe alive.
She constantly looked for the right song that could keep Sand calm.
But Sand was still hungry and enraged.

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Paperback / Hardback

M.A. Modhayan

M.A. MODHAYAN is a devoted father and husband. A middle child, yet an elder brother. A debut writer, with deep interest in music history and theory. Mostly inspired by man-made gods, the concept of time, futurism, and humanism. KaiKa's Songs is his debut novel.

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