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Kahawaton Ki Rochak Kahaniyan

Kahawaton Ki Rochak Kahaniyan

Dr. Pratap Anam
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Paperback / Hardback

This book tells the stories of the birth of many common proverbs. How were these proverbs born? What is their back-story? All this and more is given in a story form after extensive research; Pratap Anam’s relentless labour has paid off. These story are meant for all kinds of readers.

Imprint: Hind Pocket Books

Published: Nov/2019

ISBN: 9789353493288

Length : 136 Pages

MRP : ₹125.00

Kahawaton Ki Rochak Kahaniyan

Dr. Pratap Anam

This book tells the stories of the birth of many common proverbs. How were these proverbs born? What is their back-story? All this and more is given in a story form after extensive research; Pratap Anam’s relentless labour has paid off. These story are meant for all kinds of readers.

Buying Options
Paperback / Hardback
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