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This is a collection of literary giant, Premchand’s timeless stories which are not just an invaluable depository of the best of Indian literature, but that of the world. These stories present heart-rending accounts of life in rural India and the impact of debilitating poverty on the everyday lives of common people. The way poverty destroys human sensibilities is captured in heartbreaking detail in these stories. Kafan is Premchand’s most well-known story, which prominently highlights the nuances of this difficulty.

Imprint: India Penguin

Published: Jan/2019

ISBN: 9789353490164

Length : 432 Pages

MRP : ₹199.00



This is a collection of literary giant, Premchand’s timeless stories which are not just an invaluable depository of the best of Indian literature, but that of the world. These stories present heart-rending accounts of life in rural India and the impact of debilitating poverty on the everyday lives of common people. The way poverty destroys human sensibilities is captured in heartbreaking detail in these stories. Kafan is Premchand’s most well-known story, which prominently highlights the nuances of this difficulty.

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Paperback / Hardback
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