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Junior Premier League

Junior Premier League

The First XI: Junior Premier League - Vol. 1

Joy Bhattacharya
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Paperback / Hardback

The First XI: Junior Premier League – Vol. 1 features a story revolving around the game of cricket when Neel meets a boy named Sachin during his winter holidays in Ranchi. The plot unfolds when the vacations are over and Neel returns back to his hometown in Delhi. Neel doesn’t think about Sachin much as he gets engrossed in his life where he wants to get selected on to Junior Premier League team of Delhi. So he starts practising harder to get selected by the team of Delhi for the first Junior Premier League cricket match. But one day, Sachin comes to his aunt’s house in Delhi due to his father being transferred out of Ranchi. While staying there, he meets Neel when he lands up in the Junior Premier League team. What follows after that is an amalgamation of fear, hope, disappointment and excitement, which help keep the readers constantly engaged.

Imprint: India Puffin

Published: Apr/2014

ISBN: 9780143333234

Length : 176 Pages

MRP : ₹199.00

Junior Premier League

The First XI: Junior Premier League - Vol. 1

Joy Bhattacharya

The First XI: Junior Premier League – Vol. 1 features a story revolving around the game of cricket when Neel meets a boy named Sachin during his winter holidays in Ranchi. The plot unfolds when the vacations are over and Neel returns back to his hometown in Delhi. Neel doesn’t think about Sachin much as he gets engrossed in his life where he wants to get selected on to Junior Premier League team of Delhi. So he starts practising harder to get selected by the team of Delhi for the first Junior Premier League cricket match. But one day, Sachin comes to his aunt’s house in Delhi due to his father being transferred out of Ranchi. While staying there, he meets Neel when he lands up in the Junior Premier League team. What follows after that is an amalgamation of fear, hope, disappointment and excitement, which help keep the readers constantly engaged.

Buying Options
Paperback / Hardback
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