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Jesus Lived In India

Jesus Lived In India

Holger Kersten
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Paperback / Hardback

Is there any truth to the numerous claims that Jesus spent a large part of his life in India? Why has Christianity chosen to ignore its connections with the religions of the East? In this compelling work of investigative research, theologian Holger Kersten presents overwhelming evidence that provides answers to these intriguing questions.
Exploring the historical sites connected with Jesus in Israel, the Middle East, Afghanistan and India, Kersten’s detailed study discloses age-old links between the Israelites and the East and presents some startling revelations, including how Jesus survived the Crucifixion and, after the Resurrection, returned to Srinagar, India to die in old age, where he continues to be revered as a saintly man.

Imprint: India Penguin

Published: Jan/2018

ISBN: 9780143028291

Length : 296 Pages

MRP : ₹399.00

Jesus Lived In India

Holger Kersten

Is there any truth to the numerous claims that Jesus spent a large part of his life in India? Why has Christianity chosen to ignore its connections with the religions of the East? In this compelling work of investigative research, theologian Holger Kersten presents overwhelming evidence that provides answers to these intriguing questions.
Exploring the historical sites connected with Jesus in Israel, the Middle East, Afghanistan and India, Kersten’s detailed study discloses age-old links between the Israelites and the East and presents some startling revelations, including how Jesus survived the Crucifixion and, after the Resurrection, returned to Srinagar, India to die in old age, where he continues to be revered as a saintly man.

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Paperback / Hardback
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