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Jeene Ka Rahasya Har Umra Mein

Jeene Ka Rahasya Har Umra Mein

Shobha De
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Paperback / Hardback

‘When I was at sixteen, I could never imagine I will be sixty one day. It meant being old. Not only old but possibly dead. Many people don’t even turn sixty-they just die. Cruel and terrible, but true. But you know why? Sixty years of age is not so horrible; in fact, this is the climax of life. And this is the theme of this book.’

Imprint: Hind Pocket Books

Published: Aug/2019

ISBN: 9789353492748

Length : 204 Pages

MRP : ₹175.00

Jeene Ka Rahasya Har Umra Mein

Shobha De

‘When I was at sixteen, I could never imagine I will be sixty one day. It meant being old. Not only old but possibly dead. Many people don’t even turn sixty-they just die. Cruel and terrible, but true. But you know why? Sixty years of age is not so horrible; in fact, this is the climax of life. And this is the theme of this book.’

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Paperback / Hardback
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