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Indian Infrastructure

Indian Infrastructure

Enabling the Future (Penguin Petit)

APJ Abdul Kalam
YS Rajan
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In the modern world, every usable product or service is based on a blend of multiple technologies, which are shaped to one or several ends. The truth is that a modern, developed economy cannot be built on the basis of a large number of people living just above the poverty line, producing agricultural products and cut-off from the rest of the manufacturing business centres. Both domestic and global economic, and physical connectivity—through various modes of transport—depend vitally on telecommunication networking. Instant transfer of information is essential for any business today.

In this regard, our infrastructure needs to be top-notch. The situation needs to change radically if we are to realize the vision of a developed India. The country needs to invest in infrastructure, quality electric power for all, harnessing new sources of energy and working towards energy efficiency. But how do we go about it?

Indian Infrastructure: Enabling the Future by A.P.J. Abdul Kalam and Y.S. Rajan is an eye-opening essay about the importance of infrastructure and why developing it is crucial to India’s development.

Imprint: Penguin

Published: Nov/2018

Length : 27 Pages

MRP : ₹15.00

Indian Infrastructure

Enabling the Future (Penguin Petit)

APJ Abdul Kalam
YS Rajan

In the modern world, every usable product or service is based on a blend of multiple technologies, which are shaped to one or several ends. The truth is that a modern, developed economy cannot be built on the basis of a large number of people living just above the poverty line, producing agricultural products and cut-off from the rest of the manufacturing business centres. Both domestic and global economic, and physical connectivity—through various modes of transport—depend vitally on telecommunication networking. Instant transfer of information is essential for any business today.

In this regard, our infrastructure needs to be top-notch. The situation needs to change radically if we are to realize the vision of a developed India. The country needs to invest in infrastructure, quality electric power for all, harnessing new sources of energy and working towards energy efficiency. But how do we go about it?

Indian Infrastructure: Enabling the Future by A.P.J. Abdul Kalam and Y.S. Rajan is an eye-opening essay about the importance of infrastructure and why developing it is crucial to India’s development.

Buying Options
Paperback / Hardback
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