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How To Make Friends At Work

How To Make Friends At Work

(Penguin Petit)

Suhel Seth
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Paperback / Hardback

How does one navigate friendships at the workplace?

A truly successful person has a diverse group of friends because they understand the value of bringing different people with varying opinions and ideas about the world into their lives. The trick to maintaining these friendships is unsurprisingly trust.

However, things get complicated when professional acquaintances also begin to translate into friendships. Luckily, Suhel Seth is someone who has navigated these tricky waters and brings wisdom, wit and a few rules about how you can develop and maintain real friendships in the professional world that go the distance.

Imprint: Penguin

Published: Jul/2017

Length : 20 Pages

MRP : ₹15.00

How To Make Friends At Work

(Penguin Petit)

Suhel Seth

How does one navigate friendships at the workplace?

A truly successful person has a diverse group of friends because they understand the value of bringing different people with varying opinions and ideas about the world into their lives. The trick to maintaining these friendships is unsurprisingly trust.

However, things get complicated when professional acquaintances also begin to translate into friendships. Luckily, Suhel Seth is someone who has navigated these tricky waters and brings wisdom, wit and a few rules about how you can develop and maintain real friendships in the professional world that go the distance.

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Paperback / Hardback
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