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Gender & Sexuality in Indian Mythology

Gender & Sexuality in Indian Mythology

(Penguin Petit)

Devdutt Pattanaik
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“All things queer are not sexual.”

Ancient mythological texts often mention queerness quite openly, and not all of these instances have sexual or romantic undertones.

There are instances where queerness is used as a tool to demonstrate and eventually overcome patriarchal bias. Instances where a god may change genders for their love of dance. Or when friendship and loyalty are so important to some that they will do what it takes—even if it means changing genders—to keep their word.

In Gender & Sexuality in Indian Mythology, Devdutt Pattanaik examines three different perspectives on gender and sexuality in Indian mythology. Read on.

Imprint: Penguin

Published: Sep/2018

Length : 15 Pages

MRP : ₹15.00

Gender & Sexuality in Indian Mythology

(Penguin Petit)

Devdutt Pattanaik

“All things queer are not sexual.”

Ancient mythological texts often mention queerness quite openly, and not all of these instances have sexual or romantic undertones.

There are instances where queerness is used as a tool to demonstrate and eventually overcome patriarchal bias. Instances where a god may change genders for their love of dance. Or when friendship and loyalty are so important to some that they will do what it takes—even if it means changing genders—to keep their word.

In Gender & Sexuality in Indian Mythology, Devdutt Pattanaik examines three different perspectives on gender and sexuality in Indian mythology. Read on.

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Paperback / Hardback
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