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For Freedom’s Sake

For Freedom’s Sake

(Penguin Petit)

Saadat Hasan Manto
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India is just a few years away from Independence; cries of ‘Inqilab Zindabad’ have been reverberating in Amritsar, the Swadeshi movement is in full swing and that is when we first meet ‘Shahzada’ Ghulam Ali, caught in the fervour of the fight for freedom. His legendary speeches are the talk of the town and it is just a matter of time before he is imprisoned – quite the badge of honour when you are going to jail for your country.

But before he goes to jail, he and Nigar must marry, and they will only marry in the presence of Babaji, who insists on their spending time at the ashram, where they just might learn a new definition of freedom and what it means to them.

Subtly brilliant and typically Manto, ‘For Freedom’s Sake’ is a surprisingly insightful take on something we usually take for granted: the right to freedom.

Imprint: Penguin

Published: Aug/2017

Length : 10 Pages

MRP : ₹15.00

For Freedom’s Sake

(Penguin Petit)

Saadat Hasan Manto

India is just a few years away from Independence; cries of ‘Inqilab Zindabad’ have been reverberating in Amritsar, the Swadeshi movement is in full swing and that is when we first meet ‘Shahzada’ Ghulam Ali, caught in the fervour of the fight for freedom. His legendary speeches are the talk of the town and it is just a matter of time before he is imprisoned – quite the badge of honour when you are going to jail for your country.

But before he goes to jail, he and Nigar must marry, and they will only marry in the presence of Babaji, who insists on their spending time at the ashram, where they just might learn a new definition of freedom and what it means to them.

Subtly brilliant and typically Manto, ‘For Freedom’s Sake’ is a surprisingly insightful take on something we usually take for granted: the right to freedom.

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Paperback / Hardback
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