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Financial Affairs Of The Common Man

Financial Affairs Of The Common Man

Master the Art of Personal Finance Management

Anil Lamba
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Paperback / Hardback

Financial Affairs of the Common Man presents a collage of the various aspects of personal finance management that every individual should pay heed to. It introduces the concepts that you must understand to effectively plan your finances, and provides the tools and the knowledge needed to do so.
Read this book, written with the common man in mind using easy-to-understand language, to understand the power of compounding and the effects of inflation on investments. It’s time to familiarize yourself with mutual funds and SIPs, and to gain a deeper insight into the making of personal balance sheets and income tax provisions.

Imprint: India Portfolio

Published: Mar/2022

ISBN: 9780143457459

Length : 304 Pages

MRP : ₹299.00

Financial Affairs Of The Common Man

Master the Art of Personal Finance Management

Anil Lamba

Financial Affairs of the Common Man presents a collage of the various aspects of personal finance management that every individual should pay heed to. It introduces the concepts that you must understand to effectively plan your finances, and provides the tools and the knowledge needed to do so.
Read this book, written with the common man in mind using easy-to-understand language, to understand the power of compounding and the effects of inflation on investments. It’s time to familiarize yourself with mutual funds and SIPs, and to gain a deeper insight into the making of personal balance sheets and income tax provisions.

Buying Options
Paperback / Hardback
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