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Fetch your own Coffee

Fetch your own Coffee

Lessons from Everyday, for Everyone

Kaustubh Sonalkar
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Paperback / Hardback

We do our best thinking when our minds are free to wander, and our minds are most free when we do routine tasks like fetching ourselves a cup of coffee or watering the plants. Fetch Your Own Coffee is a compilation of such profound thoughts – that offer an alternative view of everything around us. Written and published as separate blogs over three years, each chapter included in this book has been widely read and discussed online before being handpicked and compiled in this one book of invaluable life lessons.

Imprint: India Penguin Enterprise

Published: Sep/2020

ISBN: 9780670093359

Length : 338 Pages

MRP : ₹499.00

Fetch your own Coffee

Lessons from Everyday, for Everyone

Kaustubh Sonalkar

We do our best thinking when our minds are free to wander, and our minds are most free when we do routine tasks like fetching ourselves a cup of coffee or watering the plants. Fetch Your Own Coffee is a compilation of such profound thoughts – that offer an alternative view of everything around us. Written and published as separate blogs over three years, each chapter included in this book has been widely read and discussed online before being handpicked and compiled in this one book of invaluable life lessons.

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Paperback / Hardback

Kaustubh Sonalkar

Kaustubh Sonalkar is a business strategist, an out-of-the-box-thinker and an incurable believer in the potential of human connections. He uses his background in corporate strategy to sync business agenda with people management. His experience helps him design proactive and predictive policies, with a technologically-first approach. In his 20 years of experience across geographies and industry sectors, his focus has always been on cross-border cultural integration to drive performance. In his constant endeavour to engage with people around him, he focuses on writing for masses across the country, particularly the youth. He is passionate about women empowerment, transgender inclusion and the education of girl children - and believes that technology can go a long way in bridging access.

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