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Fade Into Red

Fade Into Red

Reshma K Barshikar
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Paperback / Hardback

Twenty-something investment banker Ayra had always wanted to be an art historian till it occurred to her that art history couldn’t possibly support her penchant for beautiful shoes.
One monsoon day, she’s sent to Rome on a last-minute assignation with a star client. What should have been a four-day trip turns into a two-week treasure hunt placing her bang in the middle of dodgy vintners and midnight deals, rolling Tuscan hills, and a millionaire playboy who’s out to taste more than just the wine.

Imprint: Vintage Books

Published: Jun/2014

ISBN: 9788184005547

Length : 376 Pages

MRP : ₹399.00

Fade Into Red

Reshma K Barshikar

Twenty-something investment banker Ayra had always wanted to be an art historian till it occurred to her that art history couldn’t possibly support her penchant for beautiful shoes.
One monsoon day, she’s sent to Rome on a last-minute assignation with a star client. What should have been a four-day trip turns into a two-week treasure hunt placing her bang in the middle of dodgy vintners and midnight deals, rolling Tuscan hills, and a millionaire playboy who’s out to taste more than just the wine.

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Paperback / Hardback
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