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Dr Mathai’s Holistic Health Guide For Women

Dr Mathai’s Holistic Health Guide For Women

Issac Mathai
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Paperback / Hardback

The twenty-first century woman juggles home, work, friends—all in a day’s work. And this demanding lifestyle is taking its deadly toll on her. With women’s health issues suddenly on the rise, Dr Mathai’s Holistic Health Guide for Women is what every woman must have. It contains causes, solutions, and treatments for cancer, PCOS, arthritis, etc., based on ayurveda, homeopathy, and naturopathy as well as complementary therapies such as yoga, acupuncture, reflexology, and acupressure. With simple DIYs and home remedies, this book is the ultimate guide to a healthy life.

Imprint: Ebury Press

Published: Nov/2013

ISBN: 9788184001952

Length : 344 Pages

MRP : ₹299.00

Dr Mathai’s Holistic Health Guide For Women

Issac Mathai

The twenty-first century woman juggles home, work, friends—all in a day’s work. And this demanding lifestyle is taking its deadly toll on her. With women’s health issues suddenly on the rise, Dr Mathai’s Holistic Health Guide for Women is what every woman must have. It contains causes, solutions, and treatments for cancer, PCOS, arthritis, etc., based on ayurveda, homeopathy, and naturopathy as well as complementary therapies such as yoga, acupuncture, reflexology, and acupressure. With simple DIYs and home remedies, this book is the ultimate guide to a healthy life.

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Paperback / Hardback

Issac Mathai

A second-generation homeopathic physician, Dr Issac Mathai is a world-renowned holistic health consultant treating patients from more than eighty countries over the last thirty years. He studied Chinese pulse diagnosis and acupuncture at the WHO Institute, Nanjing, China, learnt yoga and transcendental meditation, and has participated in the Mind-Body Medicine programme by Harvard Medical School, USA. His rich experience started by interning with his mother, Dr Annamma Mathai, and working at speciality clinics, including Europe's first and largest holistic health clinic, the 101 Clinic. He is a visiting consultant at holistic clinics in London, New York and Washington DC. Having addressed several conferences worldwide on holistic health, he has been invited by the World Health Organization into its committee for 'The Renewal of the Global Health Policy for the 21st century'. He has treated people ranging from the royalty of the UK, Middle East and India to Nobel Laureate Archbishop Desmond Tutu, famous singers, industrialists, CEOs, villagers and tribals. His dream of offering holistic integrative medicine to all is being fulfilled through his establishments-the SOUKYA International Holistic Health Centre, the SAHAYA Holistic Integrative Hospital and his SOUKYA Foundation free clinics and charity centres.

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