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Discovering the Secrets of Divine Love

Discovering the Secrets of Divine Love

A. Helwa
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Paperback / Hardback

Unlock your spiritual potential with Secrets of Divine Love and Secrets of Divine Love Journal!

Secrets of Divine Love draws upon the spiritual secrets of the Qu’ran, mystical poetry and stories from the world’s greatest prophets and spiritual masters to help you reignite your faith, overcome your doubts and deepen your connection with God. The book uses a rational yet heart-based approach towards the Qu’ran that not only enlightens the mind, but also inspires the soul towards deeper intimacy with God.

The Secrets of Divine Love Journal, based on the award-winning book, can help you foster a deeper relationship with Allah by connecting you with the heart of your faith in a more intimate and inspiring way. Beautifully designed, each chapter of the Secrets of Divine Love Journal starts with a quote from Secrets of Divine Love alongside a verse of the Qur’an followed by a story and reflection, a heart-opening prayer, journal prompts, a quote to contemplate upon, and a closing prayer of gratitude.

Filled with practical exercises and guided meditations, these books will help you to reflect upon and enjoy your faith from a more holistic perspective.

Imprint: Ebury Press

Published: Mar/2024

ISBN: 9780143464914

Length : 568 Pages

MRP : ₹599.00

Discovering the Secrets of Divine Love

A. Helwa

Unlock your spiritual potential with Secrets of Divine Love and Secrets of Divine Love Journal!

Secrets of Divine Love draws upon the spiritual secrets of the Qu’ran, mystical poetry and stories from the world’s greatest prophets and spiritual masters to help you reignite your faith, overcome your doubts and deepen your connection with God. The book uses a rational yet heart-based approach towards the Qu’ran that not only enlightens the mind, but also inspires the soul towards deeper intimacy with God.

The Secrets of Divine Love Journal, based on the award-winning book, can help you foster a deeper relationship with Allah by connecting you with the heart of your faith in a more intimate and inspiring way. Beautifully designed, each chapter of the Secrets of Divine Love Journal starts with a quote from Secrets of Divine Love alongside a verse of the Qur’an followed by a story and reflection, a heart-opening prayer, journal prompts, a quote to contemplate upon, and a closing prayer of gratitude.

Filled with practical exercises and guided meditations, these books will help you to reflect upon and enjoy your faith from a more holistic perspective.

Buying Options
Paperback / Hardback
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