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Dhyan Darshan

Dhyan Darshan

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Paperback / Hardback

As we fall into motivation, as the drop of our consciousness falls into Brahm, then we are nowhere. And when we are nowhere, then only peace and then bliss and then nector is born. When we are, then the pain. When we are, the sorrow. When we are the the problem. Our ego is the root and basis of all sorrows. All this is told in this book.

Imprint: Hind Pocket Books

Published: Feb/2020

ISBN: 9789353496173

Length : 126 Pages

MRP : ₹150.00

Dhyan Darshan


As we fall into motivation, as the drop of our consciousness falls into Brahm, then we are nowhere. And when we are nowhere, then only peace and then bliss and then nector is born. When we are, then the pain. When we are, the sorrow. When we are the the problem. Our ego is the root and basis of all sorrows. All this is told in this book.

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Paperback / Hardback
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