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Food Of The Gods (Penguin Petit)

Devdutt Pattanaik
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Why do we offer Vishnu butter, but Shiva milk? Why is Krishna offered the chappanbhog—fifty-six items of food—during Annakuta? Do the goddesses not like bhog? Where does the custom of hanging a lemon and seven chillies come from? Is there a legendary male cook among the gods?
Anna is called Brahmin, the way bhasha is called Brahmin. Food and the action of eating maintain life. And yet, traditionally the devis remind you that whenever you eat, you’ve killed something, sacrificed someone, even plants which come from farms, decimating forests and rivers. The devi reminds one that to build your civilization—sanskriti—you destroy your nature—prakriti.
Feast your mind on intricate details behind how we offer food to the gods, and why certain foods are part of the Indian tradition, in this short, sweet read from Devlok.

Imprint: Penguin

Published: Oct/2016

Length : 10 Pages

MRP : ₹15.00


Food Of The Gods (Penguin Petit)

Devdutt Pattanaik

Why do we offer Vishnu butter, but Shiva milk? Why is Krishna offered the chappanbhog—fifty-six items of food—during Annakuta? Do the goddesses not like bhog? Where does the custom of hanging a lemon and seven chillies come from? Is there a legendary male cook among the gods?
Anna is called Brahmin, the way bhasha is called Brahmin. Food and the action of eating maintain life. And yet, traditionally the devis remind you that whenever you eat, you’ve killed something, sacrificed someone, even plants which come from farms, decimating forests and rivers. The devi reminds one that to build your civilization—sanskriti—you destroy your nature—prakriti.
Feast your mind on intricate details behind how we offer food to the gods, and why certain foods are part of the Indian tradition, in this short, sweet read from Devlok.

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Paperback / Hardback

Devdutt Pattanaik

Devdutt Pattanaik is the author of over 25 books and over 500 articles on the relevance of mythology in modern times. He worked in the healthcare and pharmaceutical industries for 15 years before devoting all his time to his passion for decoding beliefs of all cultures, modern and ancient, located beneath the veneer of rationality. Extremely knowledgeable and exceptionally insightful, Pattanaik also boasts of the added skill of simplifying his mythological accounts into delightful reads that engage young readers. He is the master storyteller of the very popular Fun in Devlok series and Pashu

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