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Cricket for a Crocodile

Cricket for a Crocodile

Ruskin Bond
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Paperback / Hardback

Ranji’s team finds an unexpected opponent-a nosy crocodile-when they play a cricket match against the village boys. Annoyed at the swarms of boys crowding the riverbank and the alarming cricket balls plopping around his place of rest, Nakoo the crocodile decides to take his revenge.

Imprint: Penguin Audio

Published: Mar/2025

ISBN: 9780143499190

Run time : 27 mins

Cricket for a Crocodile

Ruskin Bond

Ranji’s team finds an unexpected opponent-a nosy crocodile-when they play a cricket match against the village boys. Annoyed at the swarms of boys crowding the riverbank and the alarming cricket balls plopping around his place of rest, Nakoo the crocodile decides to take his revenge.

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Paperback / Hardback
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