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Corruption Conundrum and Other Paradoxes and Dilemmas

Corruption Conundrum and Other Paradoxes and Dilemmas

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How can you be a ‘well-known secret agent’? How is it that ‘corruption is universally disapproved of and yet universally practised’? The world of dilemmas and paradoxes touch our lives on a regular basis. In The Corruption Conundrum and Other Paradoxes and Dilemmas, V. Raghunathan shares some of the more interesting examples, allowing us to delight in the excitement, mystery, confusion, exasperation and that occasional flash of clarity and enlightenment that is often experienced when the world of paradoxes and dilemmas hits our own.The book takes the reader through some of the fascinating illustrations, classical and well-known, as well as the less common examples, in the field of management, finance and work life.
Following the same easy, readable style of his previous bestseller, Games Indians Play, this new book will certainly make you more curious about the world that surrounds us.

Imprint: India Portfolio

Published: May/2010

ISBN: 9780670083565

Length : 232 Pages

MRP : ₹450.00

Corruption Conundrum and Other Paradoxes and Dilemmas


How can you be a ‘well-known secret agent’? How is it that ‘corruption is universally disapproved of and yet universally practised’? The world of dilemmas and paradoxes touch our lives on a regular basis. In The Corruption Conundrum and Other Paradoxes and Dilemmas, V. Raghunathan shares some of the more interesting examples, allowing us to delight in the excitement, mystery, confusion, exasperation and that occasional flash of clarity and enlightenment that is often experienced when the world of paradoxes and dilemmas hits our own.The book takes the reader through some of the fascinating illustrations, classical and well-known, as well as the less common examples, in the field of management, finance and work life.
Following the same easy, readable style of his previous bestseller, Games Indians Play, this new book will certainly make you more curious about the world that surrounds us.

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Paperback / Hardback
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