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Book of Numbers

Book of Numbers

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If a person makes a special study of anyone subject, it naturally follows that he will in the end unravel, at least to some extent, the mysteries of the subject on which he has so concentrated his attention. Art reveals her mysteries of colour, form, design, pose, and a thousand and one subtleties that escape the ordinary observer to a student of Art. To the student of Biology every leaf tells its own story, every tree its age, every flower its own pedigree

Imprint: Hind Pocket Books

Published: Nov/2020

ISBN: 9789353496951

Length : 188 Pages

MRP : ₹199.00

Book of Numbers


If a person makes a special study of anyone subject, it naturally follows that he will in the end unravel, at least to some extent, the mysteries of the subject on which he has so concentrated his attention. Art reveals her mysteries of colour, form, design, pose, and a thousand and one subtleties that escape the ordinary observer to a student of Art. To the student of Biology every leaf tells its own story, every tree its age, every flower its own pedigree

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Paperback / Hardback
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