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Bihar Diaries

Bihar Diaries

Amit Lodha
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Paperback / Hardback

Bihar Diaries is a vivid account of Amit Lodha’s exciting arrest of the gangster Samant Pratap. He was notorious for countless crimes like the brutal massacre, recovery, kidnapping of hundreds of people in the area.
Along with this thrilling story, a reader can find the clues of real time challenges and hurdles of the one of the most criticized profession of the country i.e. Police services.

Imprint: Hind Pocket Books

Published: Dec/2020

ISBN: 9780143448501

Length : 300 Pages

MRP : ₹199.00

Bihar Diaries

Amit Lodha

Bihar Diaries is a vivid account of Amit Lodha’s exciting arrest of the gangster Samant Pratap. He was notorious for countless crimes like the brutal massacre, recovery, kidnapping of hundreds of people in the area.
Along with this thrilling story, a reader can find the clues of real time challenges and hurdles of the one of the most criticized profession of the country i.e. Police services.

Buying Options
Paperback / Hardback
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