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Bhuwal Sanyasi

Bhuwal Sanyasi

Ramkumar Bhramar
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Paperback / Hardback

This novel is based on an unforgettable but true incident in Bengal. An exciting, interesting and poignant way a woman’s life story is woven in to it, whose husband Kumar died, but over time, she considers a famous monk as her husband and claim that monk is her Kumar, her husband. Was the monk tricking her or was she seeing lust in the monk. This is the mystery of this novel.

Imprint: Hind Pocket Books

Published: Feb/2020

ISBN: 9789353496319

Length : 140 Pages

MRP : ₹150.00

Bhuwal Sanyasi

Ramkumar Bhramar

This novel is based on an unforgettable but true incident in Bengal. An exciting, interesting and poignant way a woman’s life story is woven in to it, whose husband Kumar died, but over time, she considers a famous monk as her husband and claim that monk is her Kumar, her husband. Was the monk tricking her or was she seeing lust in the monk. This is the mystery of this novel.

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Paperback / Hardback
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