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Paperback / Hardback

The story of Madanmohan and Nirmala is in this novel. They do love marriage. They are working, so they had to keep a maid. But Nirmala has a doubt on her character and from there his marriage life was corrupted. Nirmala doesn’t want to leave his job and Madanmohan advises to his wife to leave the job for save their marriage life.

Imprint: Hind Pocket Books

Published: Jul/2021

ISBN: 9780143454861

Length : 128 Pages

MRP : ₹150.00



The story of Madanmohan and Nirmala is in this novel. They do love marriage. They are working, so they had to keep a maid. But Nirmala has a doubt on her character and from there his marriage life was corrupted. Nirmala doesn’t want to leave his job and Madanmohan advises to his wife to leave the job for save their marriage life.

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Paperback / Hardback
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