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Bhajpa Ka Abhyuday

Bhajpa Ka Abhyuday

Duniyan Ke Sabse Bade Rajnaitik Dal Ka Utthan

Bhupender Yadav
Ila Patnaik
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TheBharatiyaJanataPartyisanideathatwas seededintothemindsof nationalist Jana Sangh leaders when they began to envision India after Independence.Muchliketheverycorethefreedomstrugglewasbuilton, theysawIndiaasademographically,culturallyandhistoricallycohesiveand unifiednation-asBharat.Inthisbook,seniorBJPleaderandcabinetminister Bhupender Yadav and leading economist Ila Patnaik come together totrace

the BJP’s journey from its humble roots, through ups and downs and to eventuallygetting303seatsinLokSabhain2019andbecomingtheworld’s largest political party. While focusing on the larger economics and political story, the book encapsulates many smaller, yet hugely significant stories of individualsandincidents,whichbrought theBJPtowhereitstandsnow.For thefirsttimeever,TheRiseoftheBJP,tellsustheinsidestoryofhowoneofthe most powerful political parties makes decisions, implements ideas and executespolicy.Meticulouslyresearchedandimmenselyreadable,thebook shows us how the BJP fought competing ideologies, political assaults and catapultedtothecentrestageofnationalpolitics.

Imprint: Hind Pocket Books

Published: Jun/2022

ISBN: 9780143457510

Length : 312 Pages

MRP : ₹399.00

Bhajpa Ka Abhyuday

Duniyan Ke Sabse Bade Rajnaitik Dal Ka Utthan

Bhupender Yadav
Ila Patnaik

TheBharatiyaJanataPartyisanideathatwas seededintothemindsof nationalist Jana Sangh leaders when they began to envision India after Independence.Muchliketheverycorethefreedomstrugglewasbuilton, theysawIndiaasademographically,culturallyandhistoricallycohesiveand unifiednation-asBharat.Inthisbook,seniorBJPleaderandcabinetminister Bhupender Yadav and leading economist Ila Patnaik come together totrace

the BJP’s journey from its humble roots, through ups and downs and to eventuallygetting303seatsinLokSabhain2019andbecomingtheworld’s largest political party. While focusing on the larger economics and political story, the book encapsulates many smaller, yet hugely significant stories of individualsandincidents,whichbrought theBJPtowhereitstandsnow.For thefirsttimeever,TheRiseoftheBJP,tellsustheinsidestoryofhowoneofthe most powerful political parties makes decisions, implements ideas and executespolicy.Meticulouslyresearchedandimmenselyreadable,thebook shows us how the BJP fought competing ideologies, political assaults and catapultedtothecentrestageofnationalpolitics.

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Paperback / Hardback
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