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Being Silly Is Silly (Dealing with Feelings)

Being Silly Is Silly (Dealing with Feelings)

Sonia Mehta
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Paperback / Hardback

Find out how Snoffle the squirrel stops acting foolishly

Snoffle the squirrel is very, very, very silly. She can’t take anything seriously. One day, an incident in Foggy Forest makes her feel very serious indeed. What happens?

Imprint: India Puffin

Published: Oct/2018

ISBN: 9780143440611

Length : 48 Pages

MRP : ₹150.00

Being Silly Is Silly (Dealing with Feelings)

Sonia Mehta

Find out how Snoffle the squirrel stops acting foolishly

Snoffle the squirrel is very, very, very silly. She can’t take anything seriously. One day, an incident in Foggy Forest makes her feel very serious indeed. What happens?

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Paperback / Hardback
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