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‘When the word of my love breaks out of its silence and speaks in your hearts, telling you who I really am, you will know that this is the real word you have always been longing to hear’ -Meher Baba
Known as one of the Perfect Masters, Avatar Meher Baba touched millions of lives and passed away in 1969. Since then, his followers, who were blessed to have had been under his direct care, feel his presence strongly, even until date, and live their lives in complete devotion to him.
Now, after more than fifty years after his passing, one of the most read and loved spiritual writers, Ruzbeh N. Bharucha, pieces together what it was to have experienced Baba in person-to have been blessed by him. Through interviews with his followers, Bharucha recreates the life and times of Baba, his deep connection with his Mandali, his miracles, his methods and his teachings.
Such is the power of their words that Baba comes alive to readers like he had never been gone. It is a rare collection for those who would like to know more about what it was like to be with the Avatar himself.
Imprint: Ebury Press
Published: Jun/2021
ISBN: 9780670096015
Length : 224 Pages
MRP : ₹599.00
Imprint: Penguin Audio
Imprint: Ebury Press
Published: Jun/2021
Length : 224 Pages
MRP : ₹599.00
‘When the word of my love breaks out of its silence and speaks in your hearts, telling you who I really am, you will know that this is the real word you have always been longing to hear’ -Meher Baba
Known as one of the Perfect Masters, Avatar Meher Baba touched millions of lives and passed away in 1969. Since then, his followers, who were blessed to have had been under his direct care, feel his presence strongly, even until date, and live their lives in complete devotion to him.
Now, after more than fifty years after his passing, one of the most read and loved spiritual writers, Ruzbeh N. Bharucha, pieces together what it was to have experienced Baba in person-to have been blessed by him. Through interviews with his followers, Bharucha recreates the life and times of Baba, his deep connection with his Mandali, his miracles, his methods and his teachings.
Such is the power of their words that Baba comes alive to readers like he had never been gone. It is a rare collection for those who would like to know more about what it was like to be with the Avatar himself.
A devotee of Sai Baba of Shirdi, Ruzbeh N. Bharucha is one of the most influential spiritual writers of our times. He is the author of nineteen books, including the bestselling Fakir trilogy, which has been translated into several languages.
In 2014, Rabda: My Sai . . . My Sigh, published by Penguin Random House India, was an instant bestseller.
A former journalist, Bharucha is also a documentary filmmaker. His documentary, Sehat . . . Wings of Freedom, on AIDS and HIV in the Tihar jail, was screened at the XVII International AIDS Conference in 2008. His collaboration with Zambhala, a yoga, music and life spirit festival in India-the first of its kind-gave birth to a series of powerful videos collated under the name Ramblings with Ruzbeh N. Bharucha.
His articles have been published in the Times of India, Free Press Journal, the Indian Express, Maharashtra Herald, Sunday Observer, Jam-e-Jamshed and Afternoon.
His book, My God Is a Juvenile Delinquent, has been included in the reading list of all judicial academies in India. Ruzbeh is the 110th Master for the 'Speaking Tree', where he writes popular blogs on spirituality.
ICE with Very Unusual Spirits, a bestseller in 2017 published by Penguin Random House India, is still on Amazon's 'Best Reads' list.
Bharucha's Facebook page has reached out to thousands in a very short span of time. The daily affirmations and messages are a source of inspiration to many.
He can be reached at:
Email: sairuzsai@rediffmail.com
Website: www.ruzbehbharucha.net
Facebook: www.facebook.com/ruzbehbharucha
Twitter: @ruzbehnbharucha
YouTube: www.youtube.com/channel/UCo-rFxiF7R9qaMMWdpj5fJQ
Speaking Tree: https://www.speakingtree.in/ruzbeh-bharucha/
Yes, six months have passed since 2021 began. Under normal circumstances, a June mood-board would probably be filled with things like citrus fruit, travel plans, swimsuits, bright colours and pretty food. Much like Darwin theorised though, we evolve to take advantage of the resources we have. The one thing we’ve always got is our books. […]