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Andhi Duniyan

Andhi Duniyan

Pratapnarayan Tandon
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Paperback / Hardback

This is the story of a young girl, Riti, who suddenly finds herself surrounded by darkness and the whole world has come to see the drama of her life unfold. Upon losing her sight, her attractive looks were completely overshadowed. She aches to rebel again and again, but continues to battle suffocation

Imprint: Hind Pocket Books

Published: Oct/2019

ISBN: 9789353493691

Length : 108 Pages

MRP : ₹125.00

Andhi Duniyan

Pratapnarayan Tandon

This is the story of a young girl, Riti, who suddenly finds herself surrounded by darkness and the whole world has come to see the drama of her life unfold. Upon losing her sight, her attractive looks were completely overshadowed. She aches to rebel again and again, but continues to battle suffocation

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Paperback / Hardback
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