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Ancient Chants for Modern Living

Ancient Chants for Modern Living

Aatmanika Ram
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Paperback / Hardback

The twenty-first century has seen so many advancements—in technology, research, healthcare and education. We are now more connected through technology than our ancestors have ever been, yet we are more isolated and lonely than our ancestors ever were.

The ease with which things are available to us has led to a fast-paced lifestyle. That lifestyle, accompanied by a bad diet and lack of exercise, can sometimes lead to dysregulated thoughts. Awareness of this anomaly, acceptance to change and finally, embracing tools to regulate our feelings, are required to ensure we lead balanced lives that centre our thoughts and emotions.

In Ancient Chants for Modern Times, Aatmanika Ram harnesses the wisdom of some of the ancient beliefs and practices of her Indian roots, and suggests tools to help overcome any stressful situations that may arise. These suggestions are global in nature and are easy to follow irrespective of where you live. Apart from information on mantras/chants, this book also includes advice on the diet and yoga asanas to follow to ensure that the body and mind respond in a balanced proportion to any situation.

This is the perfect guide to becoming emotionally stronger and stress-free in the long run.

Imprint: Ebury Press

Published: Apr/2024

ISBN: 9780143459736

Length : 168 Pages

MRP : ₹250.00

Ancient Chants for Modern Living

Aatmanika Ram

The twenty-first century has seen so many advancements—in technology, research, healthcare and education. We are now more connected through technology than our ancestors have ever been, yet we are more isolated and lonely than our ancestors ever were.

The ease with which things are available to us has led to a fast-paced lifestyle. That lifestyle, accompanied by a bad diet and lack of exercise, can sometimes lead to dysregulated thoughts. Awareness of this anomaly, acceptance to change and finally, embracing tools to regulate our feelings, are required to ensure we lead balanced lives that centre our thoughts and emotions.

In Ancient Chants for Modern Times, Aatmanika Ram harnesses the wisdom of some of the ancient beliefs and practices of her Indian roots, and suggests tools to help overcome any stressful situations that may arise. These suggestions are global in nature and are easy to follow irrespective of where you live. Apart from information on mantras/chants, this book also includes advice on the diet and yoga asanas to follow to ensure that the body and mind respond in a balanced proportion to any situation.

This is the perfect guide to becoming emotionally stronger and stress-free in the long run.

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Paperback / Hardback

Aatmanika Ram

A published author of three books, Aatmanika Ram is a wife, mother and dog mom. A self-proclaimed eco-warrior, food developer and interior decorator, she practices circular economy in more ways than one.
Aatmanika has a master’s in nutrition and has worked in project management in several organizations such as IBM. She has to her credit several years of experience not just as an author, but as an expatriate who has travelled and lived in many countries, including India, Canada, Thailand, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom and France. The exposure to varied cultures, her strong family-centred values and her innate curiosity drove her to explore and write about her life experiences in Shells on the Beach (2012), an anthology, and her artistic taste and the desire to bring out the essence of good human values found expression in the poetic fiction, The Rose Petal Trail – A Sutra for Timeless Love (2012).
Aatmanika continues to learn to master the fine art of striking the balance between being authentic and adapting oneself to change (the only constant in life). She can be reached at

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