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An Idea Whose Time Has Come

An Idea Whose Time Has Come

The Story Of The Indian School Of Business

Pramath Raj Sinha
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Ten years ago, the founders of the Indian School of Business, Hyderabad articulated a vision that was as daunting to execute as it was simple to state: to build a world-class business school in India.

The rest is history: within a decade the ISB grew from a start-up venture to globally top-ranked business school, named among the top twenty business schools in the world three years in a row, with the distinction of being the youngest business school ever to enter the world top twenty rankings.

An Idea Whose Time Has Come traces the ISB’s eventful history and also examines the reasons that account for the institute’s success. What emerges is a tale of perseverance and dedication, of challenges met and rewards reaped, and of an unshakeable idea that was painstakingly transformed into an invincible institution. It is no wonder that the ISB continues to attract thousands of confident, purposeful men and women every year and moulds them into talented professionals.

Imprint: India Portfolio

Published: Dec/2011

ISBN: 9780670085606

Length : 232 Pages

MRP : ₹499.00

An Idea Whose Time Has Come

The Story Of The Indian School Of Business

Pramath Raj Sinha

Ten years ago, the founders of the Indian School of Business, Hyderabad articulated a vision that was as daunting to execute as it was simple to state: to build a world-class business school in India.

The rest is history: within a decade the ISB grew from a start-up venture to globally top-ranked business school, named among the top twenty business schools in the world three years in a row, with the distinction of being the youngest business school ever to enter the world top twenty rankings.

An Idea Whose Time Has Come traces the ISB’s eventful history and also examines the reasons that account for the institute’s success. What emerges is a tale of perseverance and dedication, of challenges met and rewards reaped, and of an unshakeable idea that was painstakingly transformed into an invincible institution. It is no wonder that the ISB continues to attract thousands of confident, purposeful men and women every year and moulds them into talented professionals.

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Paperback / Hardback
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