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Aacharya Chanakya

Aacharya Chanakya

Anita Gaur
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Paperback / Hardback

After organizing the country together in a formula and establishing Chandragupta as the emperor, Chanakya gave up everything. He lived in a hut and taught students. Lakhs of Chandragupta could not return them. Such determinants were Acharya Chanakya

Imprint: Hind Pocket Books

Published: Jul/2019

ISBN: 9789353491512

Length : 64 Pages

MRP : ₹70.00

Aacharya Chanakya

Anita Gaur

After organizing the country together in a formula and establishing Chandragupta as the emperor, Chanakya gave up everything. He lived in a hut and taught students. Lakhs of Chandragupta could not return them. Such determinants were Acharya Chanakya

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Paperback / Hardback
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