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A Woman’s Ritual

A Woman’s Ritual

(Penguin Petit)

Sudha Murty
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Shraddha is a ritual where once a year, three generations of elders who have passed away are venerated by their loved ones. When Sudha Murthy went to perform the shraddha for her father, she was turned away, because she was a woman. “No woman has ever performed this ritual,” the pandit said.

Sudha Murty questions the importance of meaningless ritual while still being devoted to tradition – what does it mean to be a religious woman in the 21st century? A searching and powerful piece on reaching a balance between old and the new as a woman.

Imprint: Penguin

Published: Jan/2017

Length : 10 Pages

MRP : ₹15.00

A Woman’s Ritual

(Penguin Petit)

Sudha Murty

Shraddha is a ritual where once a year, three generations of elders who have passed away are venerated by their loved ones. When Sudha Murthy went to perform the shraddha for her father, she was turned away, because she was a woman. “No woman has ever performed this ritual,” the pandit said.

Sudha Murty questions the importance of meaningless ritual while still being devoted to tradition – what does it mean to be a religious woman in the 21st century? A searching and powerful piece on reaching a balance between old and the new as a woman.

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Paperback / Hardback
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