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A Beautiful Life

A Beautiful Life

(Penguin Petit)

APJ Abdul Kalam
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‘Once your mind stretches to a new level it never goes back to its original dimension.’

There are many reasons why A.P.J. Abdul Kalam, India’s most cherished president, was so loved: he was inspiring, he was smart, he was funny, he could connect with children and adults alike, but most of all, he was the kind of person one could tell had figured out the secret of living a happy life.

‘A Beautiful Life’ is a collection of some of Kalam’s most riveting speeches that talk about cherishing and celebrating the small moments in life. Read on.

Imprint: Penguin

Published: Aug/2018

Length : 26 Pages

MRP : ₹15.00

A Beautiful Life

(Penguin Petit)

APJ Abdul Kalam

‘Once your mind stretches to a new level it never goes back to its original dimension.’

There are many reasons why A.P.J. Abdul Kalam, India’s most cherished president, was so loved: he was inspiring, he was smart, he was funny, he could connect with children and adults alike, but most of all, he was the kind of person one could tell had figured out the secret of living a happy life.

‘A Beautiful Life’ is a collection of some of Kalam’s most riveting speeches that talk about cherishing and celebrating the small moments in life. Read on.

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Paperback / Hardback
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