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Bite-sized wisdom from Sadhguru

A motley bouquet, the articles that comprise Flowers on the Path offer insights from Sadhguru that spark you with their incisive clarity, delight you with humour, or even render you in profound stillness within.

Whether the subject covers social issues and worldly affairs, individual challenges, or dimensions of the beyond, Sadhguru’s ability to delve to the root and look at life in all its totality is evident.


Health Is Wholeness


Life Afresh With Children


 Rising Beyond Religion


Mind: The Dumping Ground


Dynamic Stillness, Static Stagnation


The Snakes and Ladders of Comfort


Spiritual Allergy


Choosing Your Destiny


What We Are Not

Front cover of Flowers on the Path
Flowers on the Path || Sadhguru

As a flower can confound you with its brilliance and beauty, so too does each article in Flowers On The Path  hold the possibility to confuse you out of your conclusions, and pave the way towards true knowing.










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