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The Cauliflower Diet

The Cauliflower Diet

Radha Thomas
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The cauliflower. An answer to the prayers of every person on the planet who wants to lose weight, cut down on sugar and stay healthy, while not being hungry all the time. Sounds like a pipe dream? It’s not. The cauliflower is one of the best-kept secrets in the dieting community. It is among the most adaptable and versatile veggies that can blend into any kind of cuisine in the world and is an almost-perfect substitute for several types of starch-flour, cereal, pasta, rice and even the potato-for a fraction of the carb count. Besides being low in carbs, the cauliflower is gluten-free and high in nutrients. In The Cauliflower Diet, learn how the amazingly adaptable cauliflower can be used in the preparation of all the things you love: rice, upma, cookies and even pizza! Perfect for all types of weight loss, this humble vegetable will help you shed the kilos in no time.

Imprint: Ebury Press

Published: Mar/2016

ISBN: 9788184007510

Length : 248 Pages

MRP : ₹299.00

The Cauliflower Diet

Radha Thomas

The cauliflower. An answer to the prayers of every person on the planet who wants to lose weight, cut down on sugar and stay healthy, while not being hungry all the time. Sounds like a pipe dream? It’s not. The cauliflower is one of the best-kept secrets in the dieting community. It is among the most adaptable and versatile veggies that can blend into any kind of cuisine in the world and is an almost-perfect substitute for several types of starch-flour, cereal, pasta, rice and even the potato-for a fraction of the carb count. Besides being low in carbs, the cauliflower is gluten-free and high in nutrients. In The Cauliflower Diet, learn how the amazingly adaptable cauliflower can be used in the preparation of all the things you love: rice, upma, cookies and even pizza! Perfect for all types of weight loss, this humble vegetable will help you shed the kilos in no time.

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Paperback / Hardback

Radha Thomas

Radha Thomas is the Executive Vice-President at Explocity Private Limited. She is an author and also a jazz vocalist and the band leader of the jazz-fusion band, UNK: the Radha Thomas Ensemble. Besides writing the lyrics for all the original material she performs, she has written, mostly in a humorous vein for the Bangalore Monthly, a column called, 'Between the Sexes'. In addition, she also wrote extensively on health, diet and fitness for the magazine The Bangalore Monthly. In the course of these articles, she was able to meet and interview the city's leading cutting-edge medical practitioners, especially those in the alternative medicine field, one of her passions. She conceived of and produced a series of food guides in the six major metros in India including Mumbai, Delhi, Chennai, Hyderabad, Kolkata and Bangalore. These books, called, The Kingfisher Explocity Great Food Guide, were published and sold all over India regularly from around 2009 to around 2012. Men On My Mind and More Men on My Mind were her first two novels. The third in the trilogy will be released shortly.

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