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The Athlete in You

The Athlete in You

Kinita Kadakia Patel
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Paperback / Hardback

What good is a great-looking Ferrari that cannot race?

What good is a smartphone with low battery life?

What good are great-looking sports shoes that cannot last a marathon?

These are just good-looking objects with low or zero performance. The same goes for our body.

A diet plan may help you lose weight; a gym routine may help you with a great-looking physique-but that does not necessarily translate into a stronger, healthier you. In fact, you may not even need the gym; you can pick a sport you enjoy, even something as simple as running. Take charge of your health and achieve your fitness goals in a way that improves not just the way you look, but also your performance and quality of life-just like an athlete!

This book will help you eat, exercise, think, look and most importantly, perform like an athlete.

There is an athlete in all of us, and it is time to bring that athlete out.

Imprint: Ebury Press

Published: Nov/2016

ISBN: 9788184007091

Length : 304 Pages

MRP : ₹299.00

The Athlete in You

Kinita Kadakia Patel

What good is a great-looking Ferrari that cannot race?

What good is a smartphone with low battery life?

What good are great-looking sports shoes that cannot last a marathon?

These are just good-looking objects with low or zero performance. The same goes for our body.

A diet plan may help you lose weight; a gym routine may help you with a great-looking physique-but that does not necessarily translate into a stronger, healthier you. In fact, you may not even need the gym; you can pick a sport you enjoy, even something as simple as running. Take charge of your health and achieve your fitness goals in a way that improves not just the way you look, but also your performance and quality of life-just like an athlete!

This book will help you eat, exercise, think, look and most importantly, perform like an athlete.

There is an athlete in all of us, and it is time to bring that athlete out.

Buying Options
Paperback / Hardback

Kinita Kadakia Patel

Kinita Kadakia Patel is a sports nutrition consultant who runs a private practice called MEALpyramid. She specializes in sport-specific diets along with weight management. She holds a graduate and post-graduate degree (MSc) in dietetics with research in sports nutrition. She has further qualifications from globally reputed institutes like the Oxford College, London; Sports Dietetics Association, Australia; and the International Sports Science Association, USA.

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