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Jayant Wachaspati
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Paperback / Hardback

This is the story of an author and his beloved. An intermingling of social and familial relationships, this story can bring tears to the eyes of all its readers. The helplessness of the author, his affection towards his beloved and his willingness to go to unimaginable lengths in love; this novel details an incident which will leave a lasting impression upon the reader’s mind.

Imprint: Hind Pocket Books

Published: Oct/2019

ISBN: 9789353493677

Length : 118 Pages

MRP : ₹150.00


Jayant Wachaspati

This is the story of an author and his beloved. An intermingling of social and familial relationships, this story can bring tears to the eyes of all its readers. The helplessness of the author, his affection towards his beloved and his willingness to go to unimaginable lengths in love; this novel details an incident which will leave a lasting impression upon the reader’s mind.

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Paperback / Hardback

Jayant Wachaspati

Jayant Vachaspati is a famous Hindi writer and social worker. He has written many excellent books on general knowledge as well, besides novels, stories and poetry. He has been awarded many honours for his excellent contribution to Hindi literature.

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