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Saba Imtiaz
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Ayesha is a twenty-something reporter in Karachi, one of the world’s most dangerous cities. Her assignments range from showing up at bomb sites and picking her way through scattered body parts to interviewing her boss’s niece, the couture-cupcake designer. In between dicing with death and absurdity, Ayesha despairs over the likelihood of ever meeting a nice guy, someone like her old friend Saad, whose shoulder she cries on after every romantic misadventure. Her choices seem limited to narcissistic, adrenaline-chasing reporters who’ll do anything to get their next story-to the spoilt offspring of the Karachi elite who’ll do anything to cure their boredom. Her most pressing problem, however, is how to straighten her hair during the chronic power outages. This is Bridget Jones’s Diary meets The Diary of a Social Butterfly-a comedy of manners in a city with none.

Imprint: India Penguin

Published: May/2017

ISBN: 9780143440475

Length : 272 Pages

MRP : ₹299.00


Saba Imtiaz

Ayesha is a twenty-something reporter in Karachi, one of the world’s most dangerous cities. Her assignments range from showing up at bomb sites and picking her way through scattered body parts to interviewing her boss’s niece, the couture-cupcake designer. In between dicing with death and absurdity, Ayesha despairs over the likelihood of ever meeting a nice guy, someone like her old friend Saad, whose shoulder she cries on after every romantic misadventure. Her choices seem limited to narcissistic, adrenaline-chasing reporters who’ll do anything to get their next story-to the spoilt offspring of the Karachi elite who’ll do anything to cure their boredom. Her most pressing problem, however, is how to straighten her hair during the chronic power outages. This is Bridget Jones’s Diary meets The Diary of a Social Butterfly-a comedy of manners in a city with none.

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Paperback / Hardback

Saba Imtiaz

Saba Imtiaz is a journalist based in Karachi. Her work has appeared in the Guardian and the Christian Science Monitor. This is her first novel.

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Saba Imtiaz
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