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Christophe Jaffrelot

Laurence Louër is a researcher at Centre d’Etudes et de Recherches Internationales (CERI) in Paris. She is an Arabist and specializes in Middle-Eastern studies.

Christophe Jaffrelot is a senior research fellow at CERI and the author of the critically acclaimed The Pakistan Paradox: Instability and Resilience as well as the editor of Pakistan at the Crossroads: Domestic Dynamics and External Pressures.

Books by the author

Pakistan at the Crossroads

Pakistan at the Crossroads

Christophe Jaffrelot
The Pakistan Paradox

The Pakistan Paradox

Christophe Jaffrelot
The Islamic Connection

The Islamic Connection

Christophe Jaffrelot, Laurence Louër, Christophe Jaffrelot and Laurence Louër
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