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Madan Kataria

Dr Madan Kataria, popularly known as the guru of giggling, is the founder of the laughter yoga club movement that started in 1995. Dr Kataria, who is from Mumbai, is a sought-after keynote, motivational and inspirational speaker for corporations and organizations across the world. He has conducted seminars and workshops for UBS, Emirates Bank, IBM, Hewlett-Packard, YPO (Young Presidents’ Association), SAS, Emirates Airlines, Volvo, Glaxo SmithKline Pharmaceuticals, the ministry of manpower and social welfare, the government of Singapore, Parliament of Western Australia, HRD Congress Malaysia and the Dubai Wellbeing Show, among others. He has also featured on television and radio programmes across the world and is associated with an increasing number of medical research projects analysing the benefits of laughter.
Dr Kataria, having retired from medical practice, devotes all his time to writing, teaching, coaching and training
laughter leaders in order to foster the spread of laughter clubs. He is also the creator of the immensely popular World Laughter Day which is celebrated on the first Sunday of every May. For more information, you can visit

Books by the author

Laughter Yoga

Laughter Yoga

Madan Kataria
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