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Games Customers Play

Games Customers Play

What they don’t tell you about buyer-seller relationships

Ramesh Dorairaj
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Paperback / Hardback

Are you coming across clients who no longer believe in win-win deals? Do you think customers are negotiating even harder? Do you have a feeling that you are playing a different game now?
Business has been an endless series of games played by buyers and sellers-with one difference. Both sides could win at the same time.
But somewhere along the way, many customers have changed the rules of these games in their favour. As a seller, when do you give in and when do you hold back? When do you walk away? Do you search for other markets? Or do you grin and bear it in the hope of better times?
In Games Customers Play, Ramesh Dorairaj shows you how to spot such games and change the rules to your advantage. So that it doesn’t matter what the deal is, you will always win!

Imprint: India Portfolio

Published: Jun/2018

ISBN: 9780143442141

Length : 224 Pages

MRP : ₹399.00

Games Customers Play

What they don’t tell you about buyer-seller relationships

Ramesh Dorairaj

Are you coming across clients who no longer believe in win-win deals? Do you think customers are negotiating even harder? Do you have a feeling that you are playing a different game now?
Business has been an endless series of games played by buyers and sellers-with one difference. Both sides could win at the same time.
But somewhere along the way, many customers have changed the rules of these games in their favour. As a seller, when do you give in and when do you hold back? When do you walk away? Do you search for other markets? Or do you grin and bear it in the hope of better times?
In Games Customers Play, Ramesh Dorairaj shows you how to spot such games and change the rules to your advantage. So that it doesn’t matter what the deal is, you will always win!

Buying Options
Paperback / Hardback

Ramesh Dorairaj

Ramesh Dorairaj is a consultant, coach and mentor. As founder of Leaders Anvil, he helps companies sell more in an attention-deprived and crowded marketplace. He enables them to understand the nature of the market and calibrate their messages to suit changing patterns of influence and power.
In his former corporate life, he played senior roles in Infosys, MindTree and Wipro. He has helped and coached salespeople close deals totalling over $1.5 billion, and managed the delivery of IT services to many Fortune 500 companies. His assignments have taken him to over thirty countries.
He lives in Bengaluru with his wife and two children.

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