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Myshkin Ingawala

Myshkin Ingawale is the CEO and co – founder of Biosense Technologies, an award- winning health – care start – up focusing on point -of – care non- invasive diagonstics. His work has been featured on TED, BBC, CNN and other notable international media. In the past, he has worked at Mckinsey & company and been a researcher at MIT’s Senseable City Lab. He holds an FPM ( the Fellow Programme in Management,equivalent to PhD) in Management Information Systems from IIM Calcutta and a BTech in electrical engineering from NIT Bhopal. He remains a passionate but somewhat deluded Liverpool Football Club fan. He is also easily tempted anything by wheels.

Books by the author

The Bad Boys Of Bokaro Jail

The Bad Boys Of Bokaro Jail

Chetan Mahajan, Myshkin Ingawala
The Unreasonable Fellows

The Unreasonable Fellows

Nikita Singh, Myshkin Ingawala
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