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Prannoy Roy

Since 1980, Prannoy Roy has been synonymous with elections in India. He is renowned for pioneering opinion polls in their present form, which forecast results and analyse the Indian voter-politician love-hate connection. He introduced the country to psephology by explaining on television how numbers blend with politics to predict the winner. Roy is the default setting for decoding who a state, or the country, is voting for.
Roy and his wife and journalist, Radhika Roy, are founders of NDTV, awarded for several years as India’s most trusted media brand. He has a PhD in economics from the Delhi School of Economics, is a qualified chartered accountant (England and Wales) and has been economic advisor with the Ministry of Finance.

Dorab R. Sopariwala has been editorial adviser with NDTV and senior consultant with Edelman India for around two decades. Earlier, he worked with market research companies in England (Metra Consulting Group) and India (first with IMRB and then with MARG, where he was the Founder-Managing Director). He has a deep and abiding interest in opinion polling, which spans four decades. He was educated at the London School of Economics and the Imperial College of Science and Technology and is a Fellow of the Royal Statistical Society.

Books by the author

The Verdict (Hindi): Bhartiya Janadesh

The Verdict (Hindi): Bhartiya Janadesh

Prannoy Roy, Dorab R. Sopariwala
The Verdict

The Verdict

Prannoy Roy, Dorab R. Sopariwala
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