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7 Reasons Why ‘Skill Builder: Science’ is the Series for you & your Child!

Dear Mom and Dad,

Introduce your little ones to the books in the Skill Builder-Science series so that they can learn scientific concepts in a way that doesn’t make science seem like a weighty subject!

Read on to know why this could be the perfect set of books for your child:

  • Created to hone not just subject skills but also twenty first century skills, such as investigation, observation and problem- solving skills – so your child excels not just at academics but also at life!

  • Each topic is available at four different levels of complexity – allows you to choose the level that best suits your child’s learning age and then, move up!

  • Learning made fun through activities such as art and craft, riddles and crosswords– will keep your child engaged and motivated!

  • Easy science experiments– provides the opportunity to explore new ideas!

  • Less text, more learning- to get a better understanding of the world!

  • Teaches important values– inform your child about traffic rules and environment conservation practices among other things!

  • Loads of pictures– will help your child associate between ‘just words’ and ‘reality’.


The Skill Builder: Science books are aimed at helping learners to become proficient in science. Want your child to be proficient in Math and English as well? Get the Skill Builder: Maths and Skill Builder: English (Coming Soon) series.

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