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Meet Nakul and Kuku from ‘Magic in Mussoorie’

Magic in Mussoorie takes you into the adventurous world of Nakul and Kuku.

Nakul Sahej is a tall, lanky and bespectacled man with a thoughtful and intuitive nature. Nakul usually ends up humouring Kuku and also pulling him out of trouble, something he has to do quite often. A quick thinker, he has an inquisitive mind and loves to investigate.

Nakul is patient, thoughtful and brave. He is a leader and a decision maker by nature and is always leading Kuku into adventures even when Kuku is not convinced enough, sometimes even doing so by bribing Kuku with food.

Chitleshwar Prasad a.k.a Kuku is a short burly young lad with an insatiable hunger. Short tempered and not one to think before speaking, Kuku often gets himself into trouble.

Kuku likes to believe he is not too afraid of thunder, rain or creepy lonely houses, though in reality, even a little cat jumping out of nowhere scares him. Despite not being much of a risk taker and always questioning Nakul’s actions, he never leaves is side.

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