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A Recipe to Keep You Warm This Winter and Help You Tackle Diabetes

In Reversing Diabetes, Dr Nandita Shah provides a fresh and practical perspective on curing diabetes. She also elaborately breaks down the real cause of diabetes using scientific evidence and intelligently outlines a routine that will not just prevent the disease but also reverse it.
Here is an excerpt from the book on one of the recipes of the book, which will help you deal with diabetes.
Herbal Tea
Makes 2 cups
These are actually infusions. Here is a list of possible ingredients: lemongrass, mint leaves, tulsi leaves, ginger, cinnamon, cloves, cardamom, saffron, dried apple, lemon or orange peels, liquorice, dried chamomile flowers, anise seeds (saunf ) . . . the list is endless and you can use these as single flavours or in combinations. Cinnamon is good for diabetics and it also lends a sweet taste.
Here are a few combinations:

  • Mint leaves, grated ginger, lemongrass, crushed black pepper
  • Cinnamon, cardamom, cloves, anise seeds, liquorice
  • Tulsi, ginger
  • Tulsi, ginger, turmeric
  • Saffron strands, cinnamon sticks, cardamom
  • Dried orange, cinnamon

1 tablespoon of your preferred ingredient
Put 1 tablespoon of the ingredient/combination into a teapot. Pour 2 cups of boiling water into it. Wait for 5–7 minutes, strain and serve.

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