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Ten Priorities India Should Focus On

In his latest book, India: Priorities for the future Bimal Jalan lists out few areas India needs to pay attention to.

Bimal Jalan had a close view of financial governance while he served as Union Finance Secretary and Governor of the Reserve Bank of India. Drawing on his vast experience he compares two distinct periods: 1980–2000 and 2000–15, and examines the transition India has made in the last four decades from a strictly regulated, slow-growth state enterprise to one of the fastest-growing economies in the world.
In his latest book, India: Priorities for the future he lists out few areas India needs to pay attention to.
Here is a list of ten of those priorities:
One of the foremost priorities regarding financial governance
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Priority for the banking sector
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Another reform in the financial sector that the India has to bring about
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The RBI has to keep working with financial experts to develop procedure for the debt markets to grow
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The outcomes of the present schemes in terms of actual benefits is pretty low
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Performance reviews of a ministry will lead to better execution of policies
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Red tapism needs to be done away with
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Outsourcing to different agencies reduces petty corruption and delays
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An urgent political reform is to speed up investigations of persons who are in political parties
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An utmost priority lies in making the states accountable for policy execution than the Centre
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Which priority according to you should be the India’s topmost priority? Tell us.
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