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5 Things to be Hopeful for as an Indian

Anirudh Krishna in The Broken Ladder highlights instances where India has shown significant improvement.

Anirudh Krishna in The Broken Ladder reveals the untapped talent, which if honed, can propel India in the league of developed nations. Additionally, Krishna also highlights instances where India has shown significant improvement.
Here are five examples that make one hopeful that the day isn’t far when India will become a global superpower:
Share of women entrants in business schools is substantially larger than what it used to be a generation earlier.
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Glimmers of hope among the marginalized communities
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An attempt to bridge the gap in terms of educational institutions
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A commendable achievement for the nation since achieving independence
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An improvement in the participation of people in decision-making process
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Tell us the improvements you have seen in your part of the country in the last decade.
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