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6 Every Day struggles of an Overweight Girl

Life seems a tad tough when you are not the “ideal” weight. It seems tougher when you are 25 and single.

Life seems a tad tough when you are not the “ideal” weight. It seems tougher when you are 25 and single. Your family, friends, and society start giving you the ‘you’re next’ nudges as you reach the ‘marriageable’ age.
In Encounters of a Fat Bride, Samah Visaria tells the story of Madhurima Pandey who is the ideal age for marriage, but not the ideal weight. Riddled with jovial and witty encounters, Samah tells the story of Madhurima’s struggle to her D-Day.
Here are six struggles that Madhurima faces which will make you feel for her.
Oh! Why can’t things in real life be as perfect as in the reel life.
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Caught between the weighing scale and school.
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Promises! Promises!
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That’s a real disease.
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The heaviest metamorphosis.
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Rather be overweight than unhappy.
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Are Madhurima’s struggles resonant with every girl’s? Tell us what you think.
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