We are constantly at war.
After a point, everyone realizes that they cannot walk away from such wars. Everyone has to fight—some win, some lose. This is where the difference in our attitude towards the war becomes known. We either accept defeat, or fight on to emerge a winner.
In Chanakya and the Art of War, Radhakrishnan Pillai takes us on a journey. The journey of Chanakya’s life experiences and challenges. We go back to his era and time. We draw inspiration and learn from his wisdom.
Here are five tips that you can follow to emerge as a winner:
Never fight a battle alone; take along a friend (mitra)
Chanakya’s solution for stress is as simple as talking to a friend. When we have a friend with whom we can share and express our problems, it makes a significant difference.
Listen to the wise (vriddha-sanyogah)
In the daily battles of life, senior citizens can be very helpful. The biggest advantage of senior citizens is that they have time and experience to offer. The younger generation has neither of the two. So, in reality, the two could fit together like a perfect jigsaw puzzle. It can be synergetic.
When dealing with the powerful, keep in touch with a higher power
Think through the situation and find out what makes the boss a boss after all. The boss has more decision-making power than the employee. Now, what we need to remember is to learn how to crack the power of the boss.
Advisors can make you or break you
Gathering too much information is not good. We need to be selective in what we read and watch. We get into discussions that really do not matter to us. It’s ok to add our bit to some social updates happening around. But it is not worth thinking too much about such matters.
Know the strength and weakness of the opponent
Having a strategic mindset is an important skill one should be able to develop. A smart person is one who is able to accurately judge others. He is constantly studying and analysing, trying to understand what is going on in the mind of the person in front of him.
Chanakya and the Art of War draws upon lessons from the great teacher, philosopher and strategist Chanakya’s masterpiece, Arthashastra, which can help us overcome those speed breakers to become innovative and influential and realize our true potential.